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※ 研究大会は非学会員の方でも聴講できますが、2日間通しで聴講料¥3,000をお支払いいただくことになっております。また、1日目の懇親会にも当日参加費(6000円)をお支払いいただければ参加することもできます。いずれも当日受付にてお申し出下さい。なお、入会申請中の方は、聴講料は必要ございません。懇親会に出られる場合にのみ、参加日をお支払い下さい。

EUSA AP Tokyo Conference 2017




このたび、福田耕治理事長、小久保康之事務局長、および学会理事の皆様のご協力を得て、2017年7月1日(土)、2日(日)の2日間、EUSA AP(European Union Studies Association Asia Pacific) Tokyo Conference 2017の国際会議が、東京・青山学院大学にて開催予定でございます。






以下、英文のCall for Papersを、掲示させていただきます。応募締め切りは、12月31日です。ぜひふるってご報告、ご参加いただきたく、また大会開催に際して、いろいろとご教授、ご協力をいただきたく、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。ありがとうございます。

理事長  福田耕治

事務局長 小久保康之

EUSA AP東京大会2017

委員長 羽場久美子

委 員 岩田健治・安江則子

顧 問 田中俊郎

2017 Conference & Postgraduate Workshop


We are delighted to announce the annual EUSA Asia Pacific conference will be held at Aoyama Gakuin University (Tokyo) and all EU scholars, researchers and postgraduates are invited to apply.

The Roles of the EU and the Asia Pacific in the Global Era

Politics, International Relations, Economics and Law

1+2 July 2017, Tokyo

2017 marks a critical opportunity to analyse a wide range of EU topics and challenges. The broad conference theme reflects these diverse contexts and situations facing the EU over the coming nine months. The Asia Pacific context adds a similar complexity contrasting robust economic development with political and security instabilities in the absence of any clear new regional or world order. How can East Asia become more stable, peaceful and prosperous? What lessons or reflections can the EU and scholars of the integration process offer?

The conference will be organised around panels drawn from the disciplines of Politics, International Relations, Economics and Law. While the conference is open to paper proposals covering all aspects of European integration, we are especially keen to encourage contributions related to the contemporary Euro and immigration crisis, the implications of BREXIT and the first 15 years of monetary union. And, how do these themes affect the Asia Pacific both, negatively and positively?

Practical Information and Timeline

Please register via the online link below before the abstract submission deadline: Collect the necessary information and then complete the online form including the payment of the registration fees (EUR 50). Please note that partially completed forms cannot be saved. At this stage only an abstract of max. 300 words and a short bio of max. 100 words are required. A full paper must be submitted before the conference (see deadline below). Participants will receive access to all full papers submitted for the conference.

  • Submission deadline for abstracts: 31 December 2016
  • Participants will be informed of paper proposal acceptance/decline: 15 March 2017
  • Participants have to confirm attendance: 10 days after the information of acceptance
  • Full paper submission: 31 May 2017

Only papers that will be presented in person will be accepted. No virtual presentations will be permitted. As the organisers have to commit to suppliers and only a limited number of presenters can be invited, EUSAAP will charge 3 nights’ accommodation costs to presenters that have to withdraw after 30 March 2017.

Registration Fees

A moderate registration fee of EUR 50 will be charged for paper presenters and postgraduate students participating in the event. Registration for conference guests will be EUR 30. Registration fees will be charged via PayPal at first registration.

Registration fees are non-refundable.

Logistical Information

The conference will be held at the Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan on the Aoyama Campus. Please use this LINK to see a map. The Aoyama University website provides very helpful information on accessing campus and campus maps.

A limited number of hotel rooms will be funded by the organisers for up to three nights’ accommodation in the designated hotel to paper-presenters and workshop participants not living in Japan. To be eligible for the accommodation participants must have submitted the full paper and attend the entire conference. Participants not meeting the requirements will automatically be charged.

We are happy to book additional nights for you (e.g. arriving earlier or departing later) at your own costs. If you wish to extend your stay, please inform Yvonne Grosch by 31 May 2017.

For papers that are co-authored and/or several presenters attending the conference, only one set of costs will be covered. For example, if the paper presentation is shared between two authors we will only cover the costs of one person. The second presenter will be charged the ‘Conference Guest’ registration.

More information on the hotel, transport and other arrangements will be published here in time.

Hotel accommodations for three nights will be provided for paper presenters attending from outside of Japan.

REGISTER HERE as paper presenter, postgraduate workshop participant or conference guest.

2017 EUSAAP Tokyo Conference Executive Organising Committee: EUSA Japan

President:                   Kumiko Haba (Aoyama Gakuin University, Politics)

ExCom Members:  Kenji Iwata (Kyushu University, Economics)

Noriko Yasue (Ritsumeikan University, Law)

Advisor:                       Toshiro Tanaka(Keio University, Politics)

For more information, please contact Yvonne Grosch







プログラム:日本語 English

※ プログラムは10月15日現在のものになります。



日 時:2016年10月31日(月)

場 所:明治大学(駿河台)グローバルフロント1F グローバルホール

時 間:13:00〜17:00








明治大学国際総合研究所EU研究会事務 石橋佳代子

EUSA AP 2017 Tokyo Conference ご参加・ご報告のお願い




このたび、福田耕治理事長、小久保康之事務局長、および学会理事の皆様のご協力を得て、2017年7月1日(土)、2日(日)の2日間、EUSA AP(European Union Studies Association Asia Pacific) Tokyo Conference 2017)の国際会議が、東京・青山学院大学にて開催予定でございます。






以下、英文のCall for Papersを、掲示させていただきます。応募締め切りは、12月31日です。ぜひふるってご報告、ご参加いただきたく、また大会開催に際して、いろいろとご教授、ご協力をいただきたく、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。ありがとうございます。

理事長   福田耕治

事務局長  小久保康之


委員長 羽場久美子

委 員 岩田健治・安江則子

顧 問 田中俊郎

2017 Conference & Postgraduate Workshop


We are delighted to announce the annual EUSA Asia Pacific conference will be held at Aoyama Gakuin University (Tokyo) and all EU scholars, researchers and postgraduates are invited to apply.

The Roles of the EU and the Asia Pacific in the Global Era

Politics, International Relations, Economics and Law

1+2 July 2017, Tokyo

2017 marks a critical opportunity to analyse a wide range of EU topics and challenges. The broad conference theme reflects these diverse contexts and situations facing the EU over the coming nine months. The Asia Pacific context adds a similar complexity contrasting robust economic development with political and security instabilities in the absence of any clear new regional or world order. How can East Asia become more stable, peaceful and prosperous? What lessons or reflections can the EU and scholars of the integration process offer?

The conference will be organised around panels drawn from the disciplines of Politics, International Relations, Economics and Law. While the conference is open to paper proposals covering all aspects of European integration, we are especially keen to encourage contributions related to the contemporary Euro and immigration crisis, the implications of BREXIT and the first 15 years of monetary union. And, how do these themes affect the Asia Pacific both, negatively and positively?

Practical Information and Timeline

Please register via the online link below before the abstract submission deadline: Collect the necessary information and then complete the online form including the payment of the registration fees (EUR 50). Please note that partially completed forms cannot be saved. At this stage only an abstract of max. 300 words and a short bio of max. 100 words are required. A full paper must be submitted before the conference (see deadline below). Participants will receive access to all full papers submitted for the conference.

  • Submission deadline for abstracts: 31 December 2016
  • Participants will be informed of paper proposal acceptance/decline: 15 March 2017
  • Participants have to confirm attendance: 10 days after the information of acceptance
  • Full paper submission: 31 May 2017

Only papers that will be presented in person will be accepted. No virtual presentations will be permitted. As the organisers have to commit to suppliers and only a limited number of presenters can be invited, EUSAAP will charge 3 nights’ accommodation costs to presenters that have to withdraw after 30 March 2017.

Registration Fees

A moderate registration fee of EUR 50 will be charged for paper presenters and postgraduate students participating in the event. Registration for conference guests will be EUR 30. Registration fees will be charged via PayPal at first registration.

Registration fees are non-refundable.

Logistical Information

The conference will be held at the Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan on the Aoyama Campus. Please use this LINK to see a map. The Aoyama University website provides very helpful information on accessing campus and campus maps.

A limited number of hotel rooms will be funded by the organisers for up to three nights’ accommodation in the designated hotel to paper-presenters and workshop participants not living in Japan. To be eligible for the accommodation participants must have submitted the full paper and attend the entire conference. Participants not meeting the requirements will automatically be charged.

We are happy to book additional nights for you (e.g. arriving earlier or departing later) at your own costs. If you wish to extend your stay, please inform Yvonne Grosch by 31 May 2017.

For papers that are co-authored and/or several presenters attending the conference, only one set of costs will be covered. For example, if the paper presentation is shared between two authors we will only cover the costs of one person. The second presenter will be charged the ‘Conference Guest’ registration.

More information on the hotel, transport and other arrangements will be published here in time.

Hotel accommodations for three nights will be provided for paper presenters attending from outside of Japan.

REGISTER HERE as paper presenter, postgraduate workshop participant or conference guest.

2017 EUSAAP Tokyo Conference Executive Organising Committee: EUSA Japan

President:                   Kumiko Haba (Aoyama Gakuin University, Politics)

ExCom Members:  Kenji Iwata (Kyushu University, Economics)

Noriko Yasue (Ritsumeikan University, Law)

Advisor:                       Toshiro Tanaka(Keio University, Politics)

For more information, please contact Yvonne Grosch


九州⼤学EUセンター ジャンモネCoE九州キックオフセミナー


九州大学EUセンターは、2016年にJean Monnet Centre of Excellenceに採択されました。

日時:2016年10月30日 13:30開始




flyer1 flyer2
















日時: 2016年7月12日(火) 18:20-20:00

場所: 慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 南館B4ディスタンスラーニングルーム


参加: 無料・事前登録不要(どなたでも参加できます)











Brexit: The UK in a changing Europe


Brexit: The UK in a changing Europe

このたび早稲田大学 現代政治経済研究所(EUIJ早稲田共催)では、英国キングズ・カレッジ・ロンドンから気鋭の政治学者アナン・メノン氏を迎え、今後の英国とヨーロッパがどうなるか、EU 離脱という英国の国民投票(6/23)の結果を分析する特別セミナーを開催いたします。


2016年7月18日(月)15:00 – 17:00 (開場:14時40分)


早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス3号館4階405教室




遠藤 乾(北海道大学教授)


